Buongiorno ! Oggi sono molto contenta: finalmente i minatori del Cile stanno per essere liberati! :D Chissà la felicità delle loro famiglie.
Ma torniamo al nostro consueto argomento, la cucina. Ieri sono andata al mercato e ho trovato della rucola o ruchetta davvero bella e fresca, cosicché, oggi, ho pensato di proporvi due facili piatti che ben si adattano ad ogni stagione: una bella insalatina di rucola, pera e scaglie di parmigiano reggiano e dei "boccioli" di bresaola alla rucola e feta... Entrambi possono essere proposti come antipasto oppure, rispettivamente, come contorno e secondo piatto leggeri, ma nutrienti.
Goodmorning! Today I am really glad: finally the Chile miners are about to be freed ! :D I can imagine how happy their families are.
But now let's come back to our usual item, cookery. Yesterday I went
to the market and I found some really nice and fresh rocket (arugula plant), so that today I've decided to propose you two easy dishes that are both suitable for any season: rocket, pear and Parmesan flakes salad and Bresaola (dried salt beef typical of the Valtellina area in Lombardy) rosebuds (filled with rocket and Feta, the greek cheese)... both of them can be proposed as a starter or, respectively, as a side dish and as a second course, light but hearty meals.
But now let's come back to our usual item, cookery. Yesterday I went
to the market and I found some really nice and fresh rocket (arugula plant), so that today I've decided to propose you two easy dishes that are both suitable for any season: rocket, pear and Parmesan flakes salad and Bresaola (dried salt beef typical of the Valtellina area in Lombardy) rosebuds (filled with rocket and Feta, the greek cheese)... both of them can be proposed as a starter or, respectively, as a side dish and as a second course, light but hearty meals.
Insalatina di rucola, pera e scaglie di parmigiano reggiano
Ingredienti: Rucola, una pera Williams, parmigiano reggiano, olio extra vergine di oliva, succo di limone, sale e pepe nero macinato fresco q.b.
Disponete la rucola lavata e asciugata sul piatto, salate a vs gradimento e condite con un po' di olio extravergine di oliva. Poi affettatevi sopra, con la mandolina, una pera non troppo matura, meglio se di tipo Williams. Spruzzatela di succo di limone, affinché non annerisca (img. 1)
Img. 3 |
Img. 4 |
Ingredients: rocket, a tight pear (better if Williams kind), Parmesan cheese, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt and black pepper just grounded
as you require.
as you require.
Place some rocket on a plate, salt and dress it with extra virgin olive oil as you require. Then cut some pear slices directly on the rocket and sprinkle them with lemon juice (img. 1).
Proceed with a layer of Parmesan flakes (img. 2).
Repeat the former moves until you reach the sufficient number of layers, according to your preferences (img.3).
At last, some few drops of oil and a grinding of fresh black pepper
to complete the dish!
Et Voilà! Simple, fresh and crunchy!
Ciao Nel, ottima idea anche questa, fresca e veloce ma soprattutto molto gustosa...Grazie mi hai salvato la serata!!!
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